Advisory & Consulting

Business ValuationAssurance

We advise on all aspects of business valuation, including both income generating assets as well as intangible assets such as intellectual property.

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A&A Associate – Business Valuation Assurance

Business valuation is a process and a set of procedures used to determine what a business is worth. While this sounds easy enough, getting your business valuation done right takes preparation and thought.

…set of procedures used to determine what a business is worth.

Business Valuation Assurance

Business valuation results depend on your assumptions

There is no one way to establish what a business is worth. That’s because business value means different things to different people. A business owner may believe that the business connection to the community it serves is worth a lot. An investor may think that the business value is entirely defined by its historic income. In addition, economic conditions affect what people believe a business is worth. For instance, when jobs are scarce, more business buyers enter the market and increased competition results in higher business selling prices. The circumstances of a business sale also affect the business value. There is a big difference between a business that is shown as part of a well-planned marketing effort to attract many interested buyers and a quick sale of business assets at an auction.

Three business valuation approaches

Three fundamental ways to measure what a business is worth.

Asset Approach

Market Approach

Income Approach

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